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Tag Archives: courts/lawsuits

Judge: Wage law doesn’t apply to inmates working at MRFs

Published: June 20, 2023

Court gavel at desk scene.

In her opinion, Maryland judge Stephanie A. Gallagher ruled that the prison work program was rehabilitative and the workers aren’t employees of the county, and therefore they are not covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act. | Aerial Mike/Shutterstock

Local governments don’t have to pay minimum wage or overtime to prison inmates who are sorting recyclables at MRFs, regardless of whether the recycling program financially benefits from the cheap labor, a federal judge ruled.  Continue Reading

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Minnesota sues Reynolds and Walmart over collection bags

Published: June 12, 2023

Parking lot of a Walmart store on sunny day.

This latest suit marks at least the third time Reynolds has found itself in legal hot water over its Hefty recycling bags. | Anton Gvozdikov/Shutterstock

Reynolds Consumer Products faces yet another lawsuit over its recyclables collection bags, this time from Minnesota’s top legal officer. Continue Reading

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Editor’s Take: The Green Guides matter (and don’t)

Published: May 22, 2023


More honesty in recyclability labeling could save brands the trouble of going to court – without costing them much in sales. | Ivan Alex Burchak/Shutterstock

After Keurig Green Mountain reached a class-action settlement in a case concerning the company’s K-Cup recyclability claims, the plaintiffs anticipated the brand owner would end up paying consumers $1.25 million.

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Glad Products sued over its ‘recycling’ bags

Published: March 27, 2023

Court gavel resting on a desk.

The California lawsuit alleges that because Glad’s bags are not recyclable and most collection programs don’t accept bagged recyclables, it is misleading to advertise them as recycling bags. | BCFC/Shutterstock

Another consumer products brand owner has been hauled into court over its marketing of plastic bags for use in recyclables collection.  Continue Reading

Narrower recyclability lawsuit brought against 7-Eleven

Published: January 17, 2023

Court gavel resting on a book on a desk.

The revised lawsuit comes after an Illinois judge in September 2022 threw out many of plaintiff Devon Curtis’ claims. | Tiko Aramyan/Shutterstock

A Chicago resident has filed an amended lawsuit against 7-Eleven, arguing that some of the company’s “recyclable” labeling is deceptive because the products lack resin identification codes. Continue Reading

Suit targets Closed Loop e-scrap suppliers in Arizona

Published: December 5, 2022

Aerial view of Closed Loop Phoenix site.

Closed Loop began leasing the Phoenix facilities in 2010, and when it failed in early 2016, it left a combined 106 million pounds of cathode-ray tube materials on both properties (59th Ave. property pictured). | Courtesy of Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions/ADEQ

Owners of Phoenix warehouses filed a federal lawsuit against electronic scrap companies that shipped cathode-ray tube materials to Closed Loop Refining and Recovery, and already two defendants have agreed to pay out roughly $1 million each. 

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T-Mobile sues electronics recycling firm for over $6 million

Published: October 25, 2022

T-Mobile sign on company store.

T-Mobile USA alleges Belmont Trading owes it millions of dollars in revenue from the sales of T-Mobile’s reusable and end-of-life devices. | DCStockPhotography/Shutterstock

One of the largest wireless carriers in the country filed suit against its mobile phone resale and recycling vendor, claiming it has been shortchanged $6.6 million.

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Judge dismisses claims against 7-Eleven’s recyclable labels

Published: October 3, 2022

7-Eleven store exterior with pedestrians.

7-Eleven faces a lawsuit challenging recyclability claims on the company’s “24/7” brand foam plates, cups and freezer bags. | Sorbis/Shuttertstock

Brand owners can label products as recyclable even if local residential recycling programs don’t want them, because reasonable consumers wouldn’t assume the word “recyclable” means there are local facilities that accept the material, a federal judge decided.

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Plaintiff drops case over Hefty Recycling bag marketing

Published: September 7, 2022

Front of Hefty Recycling Bag box in question in court.

An Oakland, Calif. resident dropped her lawsuit against Reynolds Consumer Product regarding the company’s recycling bags, but in Connecticut a similar case continues.

Reynolds Consumer Products has staved off one of the recent legal challenges to its Hefty Recycling bag marketing claims. 

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