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Tag Archives: collection

Flexible film recycling pilot launches in Canada

Published: May 30, 2023


PRFLEX will employ consulting firms to first gather data on film recycling, then propose solutions to improve collection and get more recycled film into packaging. | Courtesy of PRFLEX

A number of circularity organizations have collaborated to launch PRFLEX, an effort to improve flexible plastic recycling in Canada.  Continue Reading

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TerraCycle US reports increase recycled material sales

Published: May 8, 2023


The multifaceted recycling company posted an increase in sales but a decrease in income, due to an increased cost of sales and higher operating expenses. | Gonzo/Shutterstock

TerraCycle US’s total sales surged last year, with a particular improvement in the sales of recycled plastics and other materials. Continue Reading

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NYC eyes source-separated yard debris mandate

Published: April 3, 2023


The mandate’s implementation would follow a rolling timeline, taking effect in Queens before expanding to the city’s other boroughs. | Gorloff KV/Shutterstock

America’s largest city proposed making the source separation of yard material mandatory and allowing commingling of organic scraps with the yard debris. Continue Reading

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Washington state tackles bagged recyclables

Published: March 27, 2023

Washington State

Bagged recyclables cause major headaches for MRFs, so the state of Washington wants to teach people to fill their bins with loose items. | Alexander Lukatskiy/Shutterstock

MRF operators and state officials are working to persuade residents in Washington state to keep plastic film out of the curbside stream.

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Glad Products sued over its ‘recycling’ bags

Published: March 27, 2023

Court gavel resting on a desk.

The California lawsuit alleges that because Glad’s bags are not recyclable and most collection programs don’t accept bagged recyclables, it is misleading to advertise them as recycling bags. | BCFC/Shutterstock

Another consumer products brand owner has been hauled into court over its marketing of plastic bags for use in recyclables collection.  Continue Reading

Oregon counties collect batteries at curbside

Published: February 6, 2023


Gresham, Ore.’s educational materials explaining the new curbside battery recycling system to residents. | Courtesy of the city of Gresham, Ore.

Clackamas County, Ore. is the latest county in the state to adopt a different approach to battery collection and fire prevention. 
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