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Nashville receives funds to support collection frequency

Published: January 17, 2023

Worker unloads waste bin into collection truck on a residential street.

Nashville is set to receive $141,000 from The Recycling Partnership and American Beverage’s Every Bottle Back initiative. | Eric Buermeyer/Shutterstock

Tennessee’s largest city is increasing the frequency of its curbside collection, and it’s getting some financial and technical assistance from private sector groups to help with the transition. Continue Reading

Closed Loop’s push to link MRFs, organics and more

Published: January 9, 2023

Inside Balcones Resources' Austin, Texas MRF.

Balcones Resources’ MRF in Austin, Texas is one of a dozen recycling facilities now owned by newly launched company Circular Services. | Jared Paben / Resource Recycling, Inc.

Last year’s launch of Circular Services created a new family of varied recycling companies, yet they’re all focused on a circular economy and are fueled with hundreds of millions of dollars in fresh capital. 

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Experts tout the benefits of recycled glass pozzolans

Published: January 2, 2023

Hallett’s Point development in Queens, N.Y.

The Hallett’s Point development in Queens, N.Y. is home to the first high-rise ever built with concrete containing ground glass pozzolan. | Courtesy of Urban Mining Industries

Making new glass bottles is generally considered the highest and best use for cullet, but recycling glass into a cement substitute is actually better from a greenhouse gas perspective, speakers on a recent webinar said.

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MRF updates from Iowa, Canada and Guantanamo Bay

Published: January 2, 2023

Machinex equipment in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Machinex brought a single-stream processing system and various other processing, baling and shredding equipment on-line at the U.S. Naval Station in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. | Courtesy of Machinex

New MRF equipment is coming to both Guantanamo Bay and Iowa. Meanwhile, commodity pricing for Ontario in November showed a mixed bag.
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