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Juno Technology aims for 90% diversion

Published: April 17, 2023


The president of the Georgia-Pacific subsidiary hopes his company’s technology will eventually address stagnant recycling rates nationwide. | Courtesy of Georgia-Pacific

Georgia-Pacific’s Juno Technology is testing out plant locations and partnerships through a Seattle pilot project, using its patented wet processing system to reclaim contaminated fiber.
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Heavily revised recycling bill sent to Maryland governor

Published: April 10, 2023


The amended bill no longer includes EPR goals, and instead calls for several assessments and analyses of recycling in the state. | Mihai Andritoiu/Shutterstock

Legislation that started as a proposal to bring extended producer responsibility for packaging to Maryland is now on the governor’s desk. But its current text mandates a study, not an actual EPR system. Continue Reading

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WestRock: Recycling is critical to sustainability

Published: April 10, 2023

Baled fiber stacked for recycling.

Recycled fiber prices mean a lot to WestRock, which takes in about 8 million pounds of the material each year. | Luca Pbl/Shutterstock

WestRock consumes millions of tons of OCC and other recovered fiber each year, so the paper products giant would love to know as much as anybody else what the future has in store for bale pricing.  Continue Reading

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Webinar: Building diversity means culture shifts

Published: April 10, 2023

Diversity concept with various color head icons.

Speakers at the NERC Spring 2023 Conference offered advice on achieving diversity, equity and inclusion goals. | Light Spring/Shutterstock

Hard conversations, checking unconscious bias and letting employees drive change with leadership’s support are all vital to building more diverse workforces, experts recently explained.
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