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Colorado picks brand-backed group to helm EPR

Published: May 1, 2023


The Circular Action Alliance will coordinate producer responsibility efforts around the recovery of paper and plastic packaging in Colorado. | Konektus Photo/Shutterstock

In a big step toward implementing one of the nation’s first extended producer responsibility programs for packaging, Colorado selected Circular Action Alliance as its producer responsibility organization. Continue Reading

Aluminum exec talks bottle bill lobbying progress

Published: May 1, 2023

aluminum recycling

During a press briefing, leaders from the aluminum industry highlighted strong public support for bottle bills. | Jiri Vaclavek/Shutterstock

The aluminum recycling industry continues to push for new beverage container deposit programs, with an executive pointing to potential in the Upper Midwest and in the nation’s capital.  Continue Reading

After first-quarter gloom, haulers see bale prices rising

Published: May 1, 2023


The five largest haulers in North America reported first-quarter 2023 financials, with some seeing prices recover from a slump. | L.O.N DSLR Camera/Shutterstock

Depressed commodity prices continued to batter the bottom lines of large publicly traded curbside recycling businesses during the first quarter, although some MRF operators are now seeing steadily increasing values. 

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