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Carton robot boosts capture, reduces MRF residue

Published: May 30, 2023


An AMP Robotics unit, nicknamed Arturito, is allowing the city of Dallas to accept cartons at curbside. | Courtesy of FCC Environmental

A recently installed carton-sorting robot at FCC Environmental Services’ Dallas MRF has reduced residue by about 11%, one reason the unit is “going to have a pretty big financial impact for us,” a company manager said.  Continue Reading

WestRock uses record percentage of recovered fiber

Published: June 5, 2023


During the 2022 fiscal year, WestRock handled 7.1 million tons of recyclables at its recycling facilities. | Postmodern Studio/Shutterstock

Container and paperboard manufacturer WestRock continues to consume internally a larger and larger portion of the recovered fiber the company handles each year, achieving a high of 79% last year.  Continue Reading

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Lessons from France: Eco-modulated fees not used effectively

Published: May 30, 2023


Analysts speaking in a recent GAIA webinar said eco-modulated fees on packaging fail to incentivize reduction and reuse. | Photoeu/Shutterstock

As extended producer responsibility programs for packaging start to take hold in the U.S., many are looking to Europe for ideas. Several stakeholders in the decades-old French system shared some lessons they’ve learned, including that eco-modulated fees have not achieved their desired effect.   Continue Reading

The latest news on glass recycling

Published: May 30, 2023


Grants, a government report and industry funding are all making an impact on the world of glass recycling. | Sinart Creative/Shutterstock

Private dollars have been flowing to glass recovery efforts, and California manufacturers consumed a little less cullet last year. Those were a couple of recent glass announcements. Continue Reading

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Editor’s Take: The Green Guides matter (and don’t)

Published: May 22, 2023


More honesty in recyclability labeling could save brands the trouble of going to court – without costing them much in sales. | Ivan Alex Burchak/Shutterstock

After Keurig Green Mountain reached a class-action settlement in a case concerning the company’s K-Cup recyclability claims, the plaintiffs anticipated the brand owner would end up paying consumers $1.25 million.

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US scrap paper and plastic exports fall

Published: May 22, 2023

container ship at pier

First-quarter fiber exports to India dropped significantly from 2022 numbers; meanwhile, Thailand stepped up as the prime destination. | Canetti/Shutterstock

U.S. companies exported 8% less recovered fiber and 10% less scrap plastic during the first quarter of 2023 than they did a year earlier, and there were some dramatic changes in where material was flowing. Continue Reading

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FTC to accept public comments on Green Guides update

Published: December 16, 2022

Federal Trade Commission building with sign above door.

The commission voted 4-0 to publish a notice in the Federal Register to begin a 60-day public comment period. That notice is expected to be published in mid-January of 2023.  | DCStockPhotography/Shutterstock

Companies making deceptive sustainability claims distort the market for environmentally friendly products and “hurt honest companies who are bearing the costs of green business practices,” the chair of the FTC said recently.

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ISRI recap: Exporters continue to face uncertainty

Published: April 24, 2023


A session at the ISRI Convention in Nashville, Tenn. featured (from left) moderator Jacqueline Lotzkar, Zhang Lin and Robin Cai. | Dan Leif/Resource Recycling

Last week’s Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries Convention put a focus on two issues critical to the global side of the sector: the state of recycling in China and efforts to enhance shipping protocols. Continue Reading

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