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Bloomberg spearheads NYC composting push

Published: June 20, 2013


New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg earlier this week announced a plan to bring food composting to a bigger swath of city residents, a push that is the latest in a cluster of recycling initiatives put forth by Bloomberg during his final year in office. It also places America’s most populous city in the middle of the nation’s ongoing expansion of composting.

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New York City approves composting expansion

Published: September 18, 2013


New York’s City Council voted overwhelmingly to expand the city’s organic waste collection program, paving the way for outgoing Mayor Michael Bloomberg to further reshape the city’s waste collection services.

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Report chides NYC’s commercial recycling

Published: October 10, 2013


New York City’s initiatives to improve residential recycling have made plenty of headlines of late, but a recent report is urging Big Apple leaders to focus more on the commercial sector.

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