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Author Archives: Marissa Heffernan

About Marissa Heffernan

Marissa HeffernanMarissa Heffernan started working for Resource Recycling in January 2022 after spending several years as a reporter at a daily newspaper in Southwest Washington. She can be contacted at [email protected].

Policy Pushes: Seattle Public Utilities in favor of EPR, WRAP Act

Published: August 24, 2023


As Washington state lawmakers try once more to usher an extended producer responsibility bill for paper and packaging through the legislature, Seattle Public Utilities will be there to help.
McKenna Morrigan, strategic advisor for waste prevention and product stewardship for Seattle Public Utilities (SPU), told Resource Recycling that EPR has long been a core component of the department’s work surrounding zero waste and a circular economy.
SPU is a member of the Northwest Product Stewardship Council, a coalition of local governments in Washington and Oregon that have worked together for years on product stewardship and producer responsibility policies, Morrigan said.
“We at Seattle Public Utilities and the members of the Northwest Product Stewardship Council are aware that for many of the solid waste issues that we face in our communities, as local governments, we alone cannot solve the problems that we face,” she said. “We need to bring the companies that make products to the table to join us.”
Although that holds true for many different product categories and types of materials, Morrigan said it’s particularly acute for packaging and paper.
“We have seen this as an area where there’s long been a need for a producer responsibility approach,” she said, “because despite decades of investment by local governments and the recycling industry, here in Washington we still see more than half of all recyclable paper and packaging ending up in landfills.”
A press release noted the growing amount and complexity of packaging also result in customer confusion, higher service costs and unnecessary waste. EPR would give residents increased transparency, producer accountability and a standardized list of recyclable materials, SPU said, and reassure the community “that what you are putting in your bin actually gets recycled.”
“Even though Seattle is proud that we have built a very strong and successful recycling program for our residents over the years, we can’t keep up with the rapid changes in packaging on our own and we know that we need producers at the table to solve our challenges and to build a more circular system for packaging in the future,” Morrigan said.
She added that EPR would both help expand curbside access to more households and provide clarity for a “fragmented” system, where what’s accepted varies between cities.
During a January Senate hearing on the bill, several other towns and municipalities spoke in support of the WRAP Act, citing similar reasons.
Morrigan said Washington is fortunate to have been talking about EPR for years, because there are already several studies that have been done on best practices for the state.
In 2019 the state Legislature commissioned an analysis and report on how to address plastic packaging waste. Completed in 2020, it offered three core primary recommendations: EPR for all packaging, a deposit return system for beverage containers and setting recycled content requirements for plastic packaging.
The WRAP Act contains all of those and “represents the next step in policy action,” Morrigan said.
Earlier this month, the Legislature also received a study on current recycling rates for consumer packaging and paper, with recommendations on how to address problematic and unnecessary plastics.
“This year isn’t the start of the convention,” she said. “This is a policy discussion that has been unfolding in Washington over a number of years.”
“I think from Seattle Public Utilities’ perspective,” she continued, “[the WRAP Act] represents the culmination of that policy discussion and really represents a very thoughtful and well-refined approach that is going to meet the needs of Washington cities and other stakeholders in the industry and make a meaningful difference.”

Balcones to build $66 million MRF in Texas

Published: August 21, 2023

Inside a materials recovery facility. By Nordroden/Shutterstock

The city of McKinney, Texas evaluated several proposals for recycling services, eventually settling on Balcones, which scored 94.8 points out of 100 according to the city’s criteria. | Nordroden/Shutterstock

Balcones Resources was awarded the city of McKinney, Texas’ 15-year recycling contract, which includes plans to build a facility outside city limits.  Continue Reading

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Panelists: Equity is vital for strong recycling programs

Published: August 21, 2023


Moderator Kevin Goolsby of The Recycling Partnership speaks with panelists (L-R) Sophia Hosain of Baltimore Public Works, Jessica Levine of The Recycling Partnership, Priscilla Pruna Boada of the city of Orlando, and Digna Rivera-Reyes of the city of Orlando. | Big Wave Productions/Resource Recycling, Inc.

An inclusive and equitable recycling program is a complicated but necessary undertaking. Industry experts recently offered tips on how to get there. Continue Reading

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Fiber recycling rates remain high

Published: August 14, 2023

Cardboard in a recycling bin.

Despite showing brief declines between 2018 and 2020, paper and OCC recycling rates continue to trend upward. | AdamBoor/Shutterstock

Data from the American Forest & Paper Association showed that paper and OCC recycling rates held steady in 2022, despite fluctuations in recycled material markets more generally. Continue Reading

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WestRock shuts down Washington paper mill

Published: August 7, 2023


WestRock announced it is shuttering its Tacoma, Wash. facility due to the mill’s high need for capital investment and to consolidate the company’s footprint. | Google

Paper giant WestRock is shutting down a nearly 100-year-old mill in Tacoma, Wash. that consumes OCC from recycling programs. The company says its decision is driven by high operating costs. Continue Reading

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Group calls for PCR quality standards

Published: August 7, 2023


The Alliance to End Plastic Waste argues that consistent specifications for quality material will help drive investment in sorting and collection technology. | Fabrika Simf/Shutterstock

The Alliance to End Plastic Waste suggested the recycling industry in the European Union develop target specifications for processed plastics to ease the transition to a circular economy. Continue Reading

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Comments on plastics strategy urge source reduction, EPR

Published: August 7, 2023

Plastics littering a beach in Malaysia.

Many responses from environmental groups focused on the need for the U.S. EPA’s National Strategy to Prevent Plastic Pollution to rein in the generation of new plastics. | Rich Carey/Shutterstock

The U.S. EPA asked for input on its draft National Strategy to Prevent Plastic Pollution, and recycling industry stakeholders have answered.  Continue Reading

Biden-Harris admin aims for more sustainable procurement

Published: August 7, 2023


A federal purchasing rule handed down last week directs agencies to buy sustainable products and avoid those that contain PFAS. | Petrmalinak/Shutterstock

The federal government has announced plans to further prioritize American-made sustainable products and services in its purchasing, including recycled content. Continue Reading

Texas, Florida programs honored for innovations

Published: August 2, 2023


Denton, Texas was awarded the 2023 Resource Recycling Program of the Year in the Small Community category. | Courtesy of the city of Denton.

Denton, Texas and Sarasota County, Fla. won this year’s Resource Recycling Program of the Year Awards for pushing progress in data collection, resident outreach and more. Continue Reading

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