News around California’s organics recycling mandate was of interest to readers last month. | Thomas Holt/Shutterstock
Articles about bale pricing, recyclability labeling lawsuits, California’s organics mandate and more attracted our readers’ clicks last month.
The list below shows our top stories published in December in terms of unique page views.
1 | December brings across-the-board drops in material values
U.S. MRFs are bearing lower prices for curbside fiber and plastic loads this month, with particularly painful declines reported for HDPE and PP.
2 | Greenpeace and Walmart continue renewed legal battle
A lawsuit alleging Walmart deceives customers about recyclability of its packaging has been reopened. Attorneys for Greenpeace expect their complaint, which was previously dismissed by a federal judge, will be allowed to move forward in its amended form.
3 | Keurig agrees to settle coffee pod recyclability suit
Keurig Green Mountain has reached a tentative class-action settlement with a consumer who is suing the company over its coffee pod recyclability claims.
4 | California programs gear up as organics mandate takes hold
In January, California municipalities must begin meeting requirements of what some stakeholders are calling the most significant waste reduction legislation in decades.
5 | REMADE announces $33M in research grants
Novelis, the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Resource Recycling Systems and a number of other familiar recycling industry names are involved with projects that received federal funding.