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Tag Archives: industry groups

Foam Recycling Coalition, Vinyl Institute hand out grants

Published: February 28, 2024

grant funding

Two industry organizations have given more than $1.3 million in grants over the last several months. | Dmitry Demidovich/Shutterstock

In the last several months, the Foodservice Packaging Institute’s Foam Recycling Coalition has given out multiple grants for foam densifiers and the Vinyl Institute awarded nine grants to improve PVC recycling systems.  Continue Reading

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‘Fraud’ report traces history of recycling campaigns

Published: February 21, 2024


The report from the Center for Climate Integrity calls for Big Oil and the plastics industry to be held accountable “for their campaign of deception.” | Maryshot/Shutterstock

A new report, “The Fraud of Plastic Recycling,” argues there has been a “decades-long campaign of fraud and deception about the recyclability of plastics.” In response, recycling groups highlighted current plastics diversion successes and technology investments. Continue Reading

TRP: Chemical recycling must prove its worth

Published: January 30, 2024


The Recycling Partnership recently highlighted questions around chemical recycling. | RecycleMan/Shutterstock

Plastic recycling technologies that fall under the umbrella of chemical recycling must prove that they meet genuine needs and benefit people and the natural environment, The Recycling Partnership said earlier this month.  Continue Reading

Residential recycling report estimates 21% recovery rate

Published: January 10, 2024


A study from The Recycling Partnership found that seven out of 10 cardboard boxes, three out of four milk jugs, four out of five steel cans, three out of four tons of mixed paper and seven out of 10 glass bottles, aluminum cans and PET bottles are put in trash bins in homes. | Volt Collection/Shutterstock

A study from The Recycling Partnership proposed ways to raise the recycling rate of residential recyclables – which the group puts at 21%.

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Illinois workshops bottle bill, amends SB 85

Published: January 9, 2024

Empty PET drink bottles on a blue background.

Illinois stakeholders have been workshopping a beverage container deposit return system under Senate Bill 85. | alenka2194/Shutterstock

Illinois may or may not be the next state to pass a bill setting up a beverage container deposit return system under Senate Bill 85, and industry players recently debated the benefits and concerns around the bill. 

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Study: Flexible packaging nearly half of Canadian market

Published: January 3, 2024

A person carrying full plastic bags.

A group of Canadian packaging stakeholders are exploring ways to optimize the recycling system for flexible plastics. | Patpitchaya

Results from the first phase of a study into Canada’s recycling system found that flexible materials account for 47% of the plastic packaging put on the Canadian market.  Continue Reading

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Growing bottle bill modernization and momentum

Published: December 12, 2023

Empty PET bottles for recycling.

A handful of states have modernized their bottle bills in recent years, and pressure to enact programs in non-bottle-bill states appears to be growing, according to panelists on a recent webinar. | Monticello/Shutterstock

Deposit return systems are poised to take center legislative stage in the coming years, with strong potential benefits for the environment and economy, the Container Recycling Institute noted in a recent analysis and webinar.  Continue Reading

Myplas’ film recycling plant opens in Minnesota

Published: December 12, 2023


Myplas USA brought its 170,000-square-foot mechanical recycling and pelletizing facility in Minnesota on-line, creating an outlet for flexible film. | Joyce Blessthink/Shutterstock

Reclaimer Myplas USA brought its Minnesota processing facility on-line this month, bringing an annual 90 million pounds of flexible film recycling capacity to the area.  Continue Reading