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Tag Archives: EPR/stewardship

What are current policy priorities at national and state levels?

Published: November 8, 2022

Sign above the door for the Federal Trade Commission building in Washington, D.C.

As part of its effort to harmonize legislation and industry practices, APR has urged the Federal Trade Commission to update its so-called “Green Guides.” | DCStockPhotography/Shutterstock

A federal bottle bill, more extended producer responsibility bills and pressure on single-use plastics are all in the future of plastics legislation, industry policy experts predicted. 

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Study confirms Digimarc Recycle improves sortation

Published: October 18, 2022

TOMRA Digimarc Scanner

The study demonstrated 99% accuracy for the detection and sortation of films and flexibles. | Courtesy of Digimarc

A Canadian group’s study of Digimarc Recycle’s digital watermark showed that it does in fact improve accuracy for sorting flexible plastic packaging. 

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Only US carpet EPR program reports 28% recycling rate

Published: September 14, 2022

Carpet removed and collected for recycling.

California’s carpet recycling rate in 2021 was 27.9%, up from 20.9% in 2020. | Colleen Michaels/Shutterstock

California’s extended producer responsibility program for carpet achieved a sharp increase in the recycling rate last year, jumping 7 percentage points from the prior year.

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State legislators explain why they’re drawn to EPR

Published: August 9, 2022

Documents stacked in an office.

Legislators recently spoke about their challenges and successes with EPR legislation. | Banlai/Shutterstock

Four state-level elected officials who have worked on extended producer responsibility bills for packaging recently discussed how they became champions of recycling policy and offered tips to help advance legislation.

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Province sees higher packaging collection rates

Published: August 9, 2022

Recycling carts in front of a brick wall.

For the second year in a row, Recycle BC observed “significant growth” in collected metrics tons, with a 17% increase over the past two years. | Stephen Griffith/Shutterstock

British Columbia’s paper and plastic packaging collection rates rebounded in 2021 after pandemic-related challenges, reaching a record-high recovery rate of just over 94%.

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How new California law is ‘putting the industry on notice’

Published: July 7, 2022

Calif. state house

New legislation evokes varied reactions among industry and activists. | Michael Warwick/Shutterstock

Industry leaders mostly expressed support for California’s recently signed extended producer responsibility bill, though some said they still had concerns about its far reach. Continue Reading

California recycling overhaul is now law

Published: June 30, 2022

California capitol building in Sacramento.

Legislators have approved EPR for printed paper and packaging in California. | Kit Leong/Shutterstock

This story has been updated.

California’s printed paper and packaging extended producer responsibility bill passed the state Senate unanimously June 30 and was signed into law, just before the deadline to pull a plastic-tax measure from November’s state ballot.

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