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Tag Archives: brand owners

Brands boost PCR again in 2021, but use more virgin plastic

Published: November 8, 2022

Grocery store aisle with Coca-Cola products.

Although the majority of companies continued to decrease virgin plastic use, collective use of plastic packaging increased by 4.3% from 2020 to 2021. | Zety Akhzar/Shutterstock

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s latest report showed that major packaging companies doubled their collective PCR percentage from 2018 to 2021. However, pandemic-related commerce trends also helped accelerate virgin plastic consumption. 

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Dow overhauls circular plastics goal

Published: October 18, 2022

Dow company building in Houston.

Revised objectives for the company come on the heels of various internal reorganizations and international partnerships aimed at more robust circularity. | JHVEPhoto/Shutterstock

Chemical giant Dow has updated its “Stop the Waste” goal to “Transform the Waste” and now plans to produce 3 million metric tons of circular and renewable plastic annually by 2030, tripling its previous target.

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Global company looks to recycling in ESG push

Published: October 11, 2022

ESG letters and symbols on wooden blocks.

Leaders with Hillenbrand discussed the company’s ESG efforts, including a recycling equipment manufacturer acquisition. | d.ee_angelo/Shutterstock

Sustainability and environmental, social and governance plans are typically multifaceted, but a recent acquisition by Hillenbrand brought recycling to the forefront for the manufacturing conglomerate.

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Judge dismisses claims against 7-Eleven’s recyclable labels

Published: October 4, 2022

7-Eleven store exterior with pedestrians.

7-Eleven faces a lawsuit challenging recyclability claims on the company’s “24/7” brand foam plates, cups and freezer bags. | Sorbis/Shuttertstock

Brand owners can label plastic products as recyclable even if local residential recycling programs don’t want them, because reasonable consumers wouldn’t assume the word “recyclable” means there are local facilities that accept the material, a federal judge decided.

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Shareholders of food industry giant push to reduce plastic use

Published: October 4, 2022

General Mills company sign outside of company facility.

General Mills shareholders have voted to ask the company to report on if and how the company can reduce plastic packaging. | melissamn/Shutterstock

A majority of General Mills investors voted in favor of a proposal asking the company to reduce its use of plastic packaging and issue a report on it.

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Global roundup: New facilities, pollution-reduction partnerships

Published: September 28, 2022

Globe resting on newspaper.

A number of plastic recycling announcements have been made around the world in recent weeks. | sukiyaki/Shutterstock

From France to Kenya to Thailand, a number of companies are building new facilities, cleaning up waterways and keeping an eye on working conditions. Here’s a roundup of some recent global plastic news. 

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Thermoform-to-thermoform bill draws mixed reactions

Published: September 8, 2022

Thermoform containers holding eggs.

Thermoforms like those shown here often contain post-consumer material from bottles, but a California bill would require post-consumer thermoforms to be used in production of new thermoforms. | Anakumka/Shutterstock

Current debate over a California bill requiring PET thermoforms to contain RPET derived from thermoforms boils down to one question: What will materials recovery facilities do? 

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Apple selects reclaimer for business-boosting program

Published: September 8, 2022

Rick Perez of Avangard Innovative

Rick Perez, CEO of Avangard Innovative, a plastics recycling business that joined the second class of Apple’s Impact Accelerator program. | Courtesy of Avangard Innovative

Plastics reclaimer Avangard Innovative was chosen to participate in Apple’s business accelerator program, opening further opportunities for Avangard to do business with the tech behemoth. 

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