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Recycling startup tackles laboratory plastics

Published: April 13, 2022

GreenLabs Recycling collection boxes.

GreenLabs Recycling recently hit 100,000 pounds of plastic recycled since it began collecting material in 2019. | Courtesy of GreenLabs Recycling

More than 20 million plastic pipette tip boxes are shipped to the greater Boston area each year, and the vast majority are not recycled. GreenLabs Recycling is working to change that.

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High-tech mechanical recycling facilities come to Europe

Published: April 13, 2022

Viridor/AMUT facility interior.

U.K.-based Viridor used AMUT technology in its new polymer recycling facility. | Courtesy of AMUT

Two large, new facilities in Europe will be able to process a combined total of over 200,000 tons of plastic scrap using high-tech equipment. The following are more details on the PreZero and Viridor facilities.

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Researchers emphasize need to reduce flexible packaging

Published: April 13, 2022

Plastic packaging closeup.

Overall, worldwide recycling rates for both single-polymer and multi-material plastic flexible packaging is negligible. | pedphoto36p/Shutterstock

Single-use flexible plastic packaging has been the fastest-growing packaging type. The Ellen MacArthur Foundation says the opposite should be happening.

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Analysts say higher PCR prices are the new normal

Published: April 6, 2022

Markets panel speakers at the 2022 Plastics Recycling Conference

In a session moderated by Roxanne Spiekerman (left), resin markets experts Marcelo Wasem (center) and Joel Morales (right) presented their analysis to attendees at the 2022 Plastics Recycling Conference. | Brian Adams Photo/Resource Recycling, Inc.

Post-consumer HDPE and PP prices have been hot lately, and they’re likely to stay that way given consistently strong demand and relatively slow supply increases, according to one market expert.

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