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Author Archives: Marissa Heffernan

About Marissa Heffernan

Marissa HeffernanMarissa Heffernan started working for Resource Recycling in January 2022 after spending several years as a reporter at a daily newspaper in Southwest Washington. She can be contacted at [email protected].

PepsiCo faces lawsuit from New York State attorney general

Published: November 28, 2023


A lawsuit from New York State Attorney General Letitia James makes a number of allegations against PepsiCo, including failure to warn the public about the environmental impact of its products. | Pixinoo/Shutterstock

New York State’s attorney general is the latest to launch a lawsuit against a major brand over plastic, this time focused on pollution. Continue Reading

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UN meeting again ends with much unfinished

Published: November 28, 2023


The slow progress of the U.N. committee tasked with crafting a global plastics agreement has many frustrated, but others see sunshine on the horizon. | Courtesy of INC-3

As the third meeting of the United Nations Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee wrapped up in Kenya, delegates once again expressed frustration about the slow progress toward an internationally binding resolution on plastic pollution.  Continue Reading

Netafim USA launches dripline recycling certification

Published: November 14, 2023


Netafim USA aims to provide farmers with a destination for their end-of-life tubing materials. | Diyana Dimitrova/Shutterstock

Netafim USA is encouraging farmers to improve the circularity of plastic agricultural dripline materials by offering a recycling certification program.  Continue Reading

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UN works on second draft of plastics agreement

Published: November 14, 2023


Delegates face the difficult challenge of balancing the often conflicting interests of the negotiating countries. | Photo by IISD/ENB | Anastasia Rodopoulou

The third meeting of the United Nations Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee officially kicked off Monday, inching the world closer to an internationally binding resolution on plastic pollution.  Continue Reading

Plastics plant with 60 NIR sensors opens in Sweden

Published: November 7, 2023

PET bottles for recycling.

The plant’s advanced suite of technology represents “a new era for plastic recycling,” according to Swedish Plastic Recycling CEO Mattias Philipsson. | New Africa/Shutterstock

Swedish Plastic Recycling plans to open its largest and most advanced plastic sorting and recycling facility on Nov. 15 in Motala, Sweden.  Continue Reading

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Terrapure opens Quebec plastics recycling facility

Published: October 31, 2023


Terrapure Plastics Recycling Manager Martin Fournier shows visitors plastic chips from crushed batteries as they enter the recycling process. | Courtesy of Terrapure

Canadian company Terrapure Environmental brought a plastics recycling system on-line at its existing battery recycling plant in Quebec. Continue Reading

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Report: Major brands upped PCR, used more virgin plastic

Published: October 31, 2023

Row of Pepsi bottles on a supermarket shelf.

A report from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation reveals that major brand owners and retailers increased their use of PCR from 10.0% in 2021 to 11.7% in 2022. One of the largest, PepsiCo, increased from 6.3% PCR to 7.3%. | pixinoo/Shutterstock

The fifth report from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation found that a few big-name brands’ increased use of virgin plastic has been offsetting the overall reduction achieved by the rest of the reporting companies.  Continue Reading

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