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Author Archives: Editorial Staff

Our top stories from January 2020

Published: February 5, 2020


News of Nestle’s intentions to buy a huge quantity of food-grade recycled resin captured attention last month. | Formatoriginal/Shutterstock

A mix of stories drew readers’ interest last month, including articles about post-consumer resin commitments, a sorting technology, processing capacity increases and import policies.

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The most popular plastics recycling technology stories of 2019

Published: January 14, 2020


News about a pouch made of 20% post-consumer plastic captured clicks in 2019. | Courtesy of Mondi.

Readers of our Plastics Recycling Update: Technology Edition newsletter were drawn to stories about equipment and additive innovations, brand owner investments, PCR use in packaging and, in particular, food-contact approvals in the U.S. and Europe.

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Our top stories from December 2019

Published: January 8, 2020


Readers last month showed interest in news about approval of technologies for recycling plastic for use in food and drink packaging. | monticello/Shutterstock

Last month, readers were drawn to articles about a PET reclaimer acquisition, an emerging market for HDPE, government actions in the U.S. and EU, and the U.S. PET bottle recycling rate.

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Our top ten stories from 2019

Published: December 24, 2019

Shipping vessel from above

Shifting export markets captured our audience’s attention throughout 2019. | AlexKol Photography/Shutterstock

The past year has without question been one of the most turbulent in the history of the plastic recycling sector. Export markets have shifted, chemical recycling concepts have gained prominence and processors targeting a variety of resin types have moved boldly. That’s given our editorial staff lots to chew on – and offered readers plenty to click.

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