Safeway allegedly violates a beverage container law, and an airline boosts plastics diversion by utilizing blankets made from post-consumer PET.

United Arab Emirates: UAE-based airline company Emirates will offer blankets made from recycled PET bottles, Recycling International reports. Each blanket is made from 28 discarded plastic bottles, and by the end of 2019 the airline estimates some 88 million PET bottles will have been diverted through the program.

United Kingdom: The Save Our Stuff campaign in North London aims to build interest in recycling among the millennial population, according to With a comedic bent, the campaign features a clip of a man forced to stop buying trendy shoes due to a materials shortage, and the video encourages viewers to stop throwing away plastic to prevent such a dilemma.

United States: The Hawaii State Department of Health found that Safeway violated the state’s deposit beverage container law, according to Big Island Now. The grocer was assessed a $2,800 fine for failure to submit payments and reports that are required by the container law.