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Author Archives: Editorial Staff

Our top stories from April 2020

Published: May 7, 2020


News that circuit board processor EnviroLeach is nearing commercial scale captured clicks last month. | Courtesy of Enviroleach.

Articles about the pandemic’s impacts on the industry, as well as precious metals technology and CRT settlement stories, drew our readers’ attention last month.

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Federal loans a ‘godsend’ for companies that secure them

Published: April 23, 2020


The $349 billion in initial funding for the Paycheck Protection Program ran out within two weeks. | NIKCOA/Shutterstock

Electronics recycling firms and other processors across the country are looking to a federal assistance program to help them overcome cash-flow problems sparked by the coronavirus. Some have been successful, but others are running into banking complexities and tapped-out funding.

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Our top stories from March

Published: April 2, 2020

Closeup on a solar panel.

News about an Arizona bill mandating solar panel recycling captured clicks in March. | Heinz Trebuth/Shutterstock

Coronavirus concerns, solar panel recycling and California CRT markets drew our readers’ attention last month.

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