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Tag Archives: Policy Now

What materials will make the cut under EPR?

Published: June 1, 2023

Curbside recycling carts.

Pinning down an accepted materials list means balancing a variety of needs and interests. | nate samui/Shutterstock

States with extended producer responsibility programs are starting to grapple with a tricky question: How do we establish a list of materials covered by the system? 

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Panelists: Bottle bills, EPR can coexist

Published: May 3, 2023

People placing bottles into a bag for recycling.

Experts from both government and industry offered their advice on how to harmonize multiple programs. | Gavrilhurgoi/Shutterstock

Bottle deposit systems and extended producer responsibility programs for packaging can complement each other, but need to be run effectively, panelists recently explained.  Continue Reading

Transitioning small communities to EPR

Published: May 3, 2023

Sorted recyclables

Speakers from across Canada faced a variety of EPR-related challenges, but all agreed on one thing: Good EPR implementation requires strict cost management. |

Representatives from five small Canadian municipalities shared the challenges and benefits of extended producer responsibility, advising anyone in a similar situation to be very familiar with costs and contamination.  Continue Reading

Different PRO structures can achieve same result

Published: May 3, 2023

Bales of recycled paper products.

Experts from Italy and Canada offered advice on effective EPR, drawing from their experience with PROs in those countries. | Ole Photo/Shutterstock

When building a producer responsibility organization, fees should be transparent, the industry should be in control and the system needs to be fair. That’s what participants in a recent webinar said, noting there are different ways to achieve those ends. Continue Reading

Brands: EPR needs to be industry-run, include accountability

Published: March 30, 2023

Empty plastics bottles for recycling.

During a webinar hosted by The Recycling Partnership and Resource Recycling’s Policy Now, stakeholders zeroed in on the components that make effective recycling policy. | Picsfive/Shutterstock

As conversations around extended producer responsibility for packaging continue to evolve, it has become clear legislation can include a wide range of components and targets. A group of policy experts recently offered thoughts on how to best bring the pieces together.

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California recycled content rulemaking moves ahead

Published: March 2, 2023

California statehouse in Sacramento.

The public comment period for the AB 793 rulemaking started Feb. 3 and will last until the end of a hearing on March 21. | Steve Heap/Shutterstock

California’s rulemaking on the minimum post-consumer recycled content law is moving along steadily, and stakeholders are narrowing in on the things they like and dislike about the regulations.  Continue Reading

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New York lawmakers consider three packaging EPR bills

Published: March 2, 2023


New York lawmakers have introduced three bills that would make producers financially responsible for funding the management of packaging products at their end of life. | Josep Curto/Shutterstock

New York lawmakers are trying to make their state the fifth in the nation to pass an extended producer responsibility law for packaging, and some stakeholders feel like this is the year. Continue Reading

Seattle Public Utilities in favor of EPR, WRAP Act

Published: February 3, 2023

Aerial view of the Washington state capitol in Olympia.

Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) is a member of the Northwest Product Stewardship Council, a coalition of local governments in Washington and Oregon that have worked together for years on product stewardship and producer responsibility policies. | Christoper Boswell/Shutterstock

As Washington state lawmakers try once more to usher an extended producer responsibility for paper and packaging bill through the legislature, Seattle Public Utilities will be there to help. 

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One leader’s push to grow the ‘legacy’ of Oregon bottle bill

Published: February 3, 2023


Jules Bailey, CEO of the Oregon Beverage Recycling Cooperative (OBRC), spent his first day as head of the company processing Green Bags. | Courtesy of OBRC

As the new CEO of the Oregon Beverage Recycling Cooperative, Jules Bailey is focused on growth, convenience and supporting the community. 

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How Maine is involving stakeholders in EPR rollout

Published: January 6, 2023

The Maine capitol building in Augusta.

Maine’s EPR draft rules will go to the Board of Environmental Protection to begin the formal rulemaking process in December 2023. | Yurii Prohonnyi/Shutterstock

Maine’s governor signed an extended producer responsibility law for packaging in 2021, and the state is now seeking stakeholder feedback to guide the rulemaking process. 

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