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Tag Archives: MRFs

Leaders dig into collaboration, climate and more

Published: August 14, 2023


Jessica Long (left), Joaquin Mariel (center) and Richard McHale during a session focused on Circular Services at the Resource Recycling Conference Monday. | Big Wave Productions / Resource Recycling

The first day of the 2023 Resource Recycling Conference in Orlando featured on-stage discussions exploring the industry’s evolution in multiple ways. Continue Reading

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WM details MRF investment plans, profit forecasts

Published: February 6, 2023

Desk with financial documents.

Despite falling earnings from its recycling business in 2022, Waste Management is planning significant MRF investments. | Create Jobs 51/Shutterstock

Waste Management will spend $1 billion over four years upgrading and building new MRFs, with much of the spending occurring this year, the company disclosed last week.  Continue Reading

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Processors worry they’ll be left out of packaging EPR system

Published: May 8, 2023


Collection trucks parked outside of Waste Expo in New Orleans last week. In sessions, leaders from various haulers and MRF operators discussed recycling policy. | Dan Leif/Resource Recycling

At Waste Expo last month, executives from several MRF operators and private-sector recyclers detailed concerns about material ownership and “stranded assets” as recycling policy evolves. At the same time, some MRF leaders voiced clear support for EPR frameworks. Continue Reading

Casella, AMP and others announce MRF projects

Published: June 26, 2023


Robotic machinery recently installed by AMP Robotics at the Kent County Recycling and Education Center. | Courtesy of AMP Robotics

Sorting robots have been installed at Northeast and Midwest MRFs, and Balcones Resources appears set to operate a new MRF far away from its current service areas.  Continue Reading

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Quebec PRO looks to build MRF

Published: June 12, 2023

Inside a materials recovery facility. By Nordroden/Shutterstock

Éco Entreprises Québec plans to include “several innovative elements” at the upcoming MRF. | Nordroden/Shutterstock

A producer responsibility organization in Quebec just made its first big decision, selecting Green for Life to build and run a sorting center in Montreal. Continue Reading

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Carton robot boosts capture, reduces MRF residue

Published: May 30, 2023


An AMP Robotics unit, nicknamed Arturito, is allowing the city of Dallas to accept cartons at curbside. | Courtesy of FCC Environmental

A recently installed carton-sorting robot at FCC Environmental Services’ Dallas MRF has reduced residue by about 11%, one reason the unit is “going to have a pretty big financial impact for us,” a company manager said.  Continue Reading

MRFs, reclaimers get PET grants

Published: April 17, 2023

PET bales stacked for recycling.

Recipients will put the grant money toward growing their processing capabilities. | Menzl Guenter/Shutterstock

Five grants from an initiative of The Recycling Partnership are projected to boost PET capture by 5.1 million pounds per year, among other improvements.

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