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Author Archives: Staff

In My Opinion: How batteries can come back to life

Published: September 25, 2023


AI-powered battery removal systems have the potential to prevent facility fires from starting in the first place, argues Raghav Mecheri of BinIt. | Skimin0k/Shutterstock

As record-high numbers of batteries enter the solid waste stream, they have increasingly become associated with facility fires, safety issues and danger to workers. Continue Reading

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For facility operators, insurance is now ‘a wild ride’

Published: August 14, 2023


An April 2021 battery-sparked fire at a MRF in Tulsa, Okla. resulted in a $10 million loss and ended the city’s recycling program for a time. | Tulsa Fire Department

Recycling companies say property insurance has become significantly more expensive and difficult to find as providers shy away from fire risk and other complications. Continue Reading

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In Our Opinion: How EPR picked up steam in 2023

Published: August 2, 2023


Policy experts predict 2024 will be another active year for extended producer responsibility and other legislative proposals tied to recycling. | Paul Brady Photography/Shutterstock

This year’s state legislative sessions are bolstering the strong momentum behind extended producer responsibility (EPR) for packaging and paper products (PPP). Although no states have yet adopted a new program in 2023, there are several indisputable signs that EPR for PPP has established a secure foothold in the U.S. and will continue to expand in the coming years. 

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