A story about the Arkansas Supreme Court’s decision in the city of Fort Smith recyclables disposal case drew widespread interest last month. | Rawf8/Shutterstock
Stories related to curbside film, a court ruling over landfilled recyclables and huge haulers’ plastics efforts drew ample clicks in March.
The list below shows our top stories published in March in terms of unique page views.
1 | Washington state tackles bagged recyclables
MRF operators and state officials are working to persuade residents in Washington state to keep plastic film out of the curbside stream.
2 | Arkansas Supreme Court overturns recycling fees ruling
The Arkansas Supreme Court overturned a lower court’s ruling that citizens were entitled to restitution of recycling fees after a city was discovered to be dumping recyclables in the landfill.
3 | WM and Republic move forward on major plastic plans
Seeing big business opportunities, the two largest garbage and recycling companies in North America will put tens of millions of dollars into expanding their downstream plastics processing capabilities in coming years.
4 | Glad Products sued over its ‘recycling’ bags
Another consumer products brand owner has been hauled into court over its marketing of plastic bags for use in recyclables collection.
5 | Recycled fiber end users bring major projects on-line
Cascades is very close to reopening a Virginia mill that has gone through a container board conversion, and Domtar has completed a $350 million project in Tennessee.