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Tag Archives: container deposits

Bills introduced in 2024 focus on EPR, bans

Published: January 23, 2024

A law office scene with gavel and scales.

State houses across the country are seeing bills filed that center on plastics and recycling. | Zolnierek/Shutterstock

The 2024 legislative season is in full swing, with dozens of bills filed so far on extended producer responsibility for packaging and regulation of plastic products.  Continue Reading

Illinois workshops bottle bill, amends SB 85

Published: January 9, 2024

Empty PET drink bottles on a blue background.

Illinois stakeholders have been workshopping a beverage container deposit return system under Senate Bill 85. | alenka2194/Shutterstock

Illinois may or may not be the next state to pass a bill setting up a beverage container deposit return system under Senate Bill 85, and industry players recently debated the benefits and concerns around the bill. 

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Hawaiian bottle-to-bottle plant in the works

Published: January 3, 2024


A local producer of 100% recycled PET water bottles is bringing in-state bottle processing capacity to Hawaii. | Courtesy of Waiākea Water

Waiākea Inc., a producer of 100% recycled PET bottles for water sourced from an active volcano, is installing bottle-to-bottle processing equipment at its Hilo, Hawaii facility with a planned capacity of 52 million pounds per year. Continue Reading

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Growing bottle bill modernization and momentum

Published: December 12, 2023

Empty PET bottles for recycling.

A handful of states have modernized their bottle bills in recent years, and pressure to enact programs in non-bottle-bill states appears to be growing, according to panelists on a recent webinar. | Monticello/Shutterstock

Deposit return systems are poised to take center legislative stage in the coming years, with strong potential benefits for the environment and economy, the Container Recycling Institute noted in a recent analysis and webinar.  Continue Reading

Data shows largely stagnant bottle return rates

Published: August 29, 2023


Of the nine states for which data is available, only two showed meaningful increases in their container redemption rates. | Poring Studio/Shutterstock

Most states with deposit return systems saw static or reduced bottle redemption rates in 2022, according to a deposit advocacy organization. Continue Reading

Do deposits decrease beverage sales? Study says no

Published: July 19, 2023

Grocery store aisle with Coca-Cola products.

The Container Recycling Institute and Reloop released a study showing that deposit return systems do not have a negative effect on beverage sales. | Zety Akhzar/Shutterstock

A study looking at two decades of beverage sale trends around the world found that there was no decrease in sales when deposit return systems went into effect or were expanded.  Continue Reading

California bill aims to align deposit system with markets

Published: February 21, 2023


SB 353 aims to protect recycling companies from severe market fluctuations, which have been a factor in many closures. | Susanne Pommer/Shutterstock

A newly introduced bill in the California Senate would adjust how state regulators calculate the amount of money paid to bottle and can recycling businesses, helping those companies avoid steep financial losses when scrap values plummet.
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