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Circular economy drawing investment interest

Published: May 4, 2022

Market graph.

Investor interest in waste reduction and recycling is rising steadily, according to an investment manager. | Sittipong Phokawattana/Shutterstock

As aspirations for a circular economy continue to gain traction, some financial index providers are urging investors to take notice of what they call an emerging opportunity.

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Plant pot maker plans new facility with PCR focus

Published: April 26, 2022

Stacks of black plastic planting pots.

Michigan-based East Jordan Plastics recycles over 20 million pounds of horticultural containers each year. | apple2499/Shutterstock

East Jordan Plastics, one of the largest horticultural container manufacturers in North America, announced it will build a $44 million facility in Lyons, Ga.

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Film extruder moving into recycled plastic molding

Published: April 26, 2022

Detail of map showing Berwick, Pa. and surrounding area.

The owner and president of US Premium Molders said Berwick was chosen for its easy access to the major interstates and proximity to the metropolitan markets. | SevenMaps/Shutterstock

US Premium Plastics is expanding into the injection molding business and recently signed a lease in Berwick, Pa.

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US plastic recycling numbers continue to fall

Published: April 26, 2022

PET bottles collected for recycling.

Broken down by scrap type, a study found that bottles, non-bottle rigid plastics and other plastics all saw declines individually in 2020. | TeuNg StyLe/Shutterstock

The U.S. is processing more of its scrap plastic domestically, but the overall weight of plastic recycled in 2020 dropped just under 6% from 2019, according to an annual industry report.

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ExxonMobil, others roll out chemical recycling updates

Published: April 26, 2022

Exxon Mobil corporate sign and landscaping.

Packaging companies recently announced they will purchase recycled resin produced through ExxonMobil’s chemical recycling technology. | Katherine Welles/Shutterstock

Multiple companies announced they will be increasing their use of chemically recycled plastics in pursuit of their recycled-content goals, and a consumer goods group said it supports chemical recycling.

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Diversity, equity and inclusion vital to future operations

Published: April 26, 2022

Interviewing candidates waiting room.

A presenter at NERC’s Spring Conference encouraged recruitment managers to implement specific practices to reduce bias in hiring decisions.  | fizkes/Shutterstock

Diversity, equity and inclusion are no longer add-ons, but a necessary part of any serious company, panelists at the Northeast Recycling Council’s Spring 2022 Conference said.

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Southeast MRF upgrades improve plastics recovery

Published: April 26, 2022

Machinex equipment inside the MRF.

Recycling equipment manufacturer Machinex provided improved sorting technologies for two Pratt single-stream MRFs. | Courtesy of Machinex

Pratt Industries may be primarily focused on recycling fiber into cardboard boxes, but with higher scrap plastics prices, the company also saw a business opportunity in boosting PET and HDPE bottle sorting.

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