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Author Archives: Editorial Staff

Our top stories from July 2022

Published: August 2, 2022


News about Driscoll’s thermoform recycling efforts captured reader attention last month. | Courtesy of Driscoll’s

A berry brand’s thermoforming recycling efforts and other news drew our readers’ clicks last month.

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Our top stories from June 2022

Published: July 7, 2022

View of a food grade plastic wash line for recycling.

Readers were drawn to Steven Alexander’s op-ed about plastics | Courtesy of Herbold Meckesheim

The APR president’s defense of the plastics recycling industry, numerous food-contact approvals and more attracted our readers’ clicks last month. Continue Reading

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Our top stories from May 2022

Published: June 15, 2022

Aquafil's Woodland, Calif. facility interior.

News that Aquafil’s Woodland, Calif. facility will be closed captured reader attention last month. | Courtesy of Aquafil

Readers last month were enticed to click on articles both about specific recycling plants and research on the plastics recycling market as a whole.
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