Belgium-based industry association Petcore Europe is seeking more members to join its working group focused on the recycling of opaque and otherwise difficult-to-recycle PET packaging.
The group, which originally kicked off in May 2016, is called the ODR Working Group (ODR stands for “opaque and difficult-to-recycle”).
“As PET is now expanding beyond transparent bottles and thermoforms into new applications such as milk and home care containers, Petcore Europe is keen to facilitate a dialogue across the value chain to find sustainable solutions for their recycling ability and end markets for such recycled PET,” Petcore Europe stated in a press release.
The group is organized into task forces focused on various topics, including market analysis, sorting at materials recovery facilities (MRFs), solutions to improve sorting, end markets, current best practices and communications and design-for-recycling principles.
The group is currently composed of 28 participants from the complete PET value chain, including resin and masterbatch producers, packaging producers, label makers, associations, sorting and recycling equipment manufacturers, brand owners and stewardship groups. It is chaired by Gian de Belder from Procter & Gamble and Christian Crépet from Plastics Recyclers Europe.