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Group calls on Google to stop ‘Chromebook churn’

Published: May 3, 2023



A report from the U.S. Public Interest Research Group estimated that taxpayers could save $1.8 billion on Chromebooks for schools if the devices’ lifespans were doubled. | Konstantin Savusia/Shutterstock

The U.S. Public Interest Research Group Education Fund says Google needs to extend the software expiration date of its Chromebooks. Continue Reading

New firm provides chip ‘recovery as a service’

Published: February 1, 2023


IC Recovery uses a heated oil to loosen chips from circuit boards without damaging the chips. This photo shows a circuit board with the chips removed. | Courtesy of IC Recovery

Over a decade ago, Greene Lyon Group first developed a thermofluid process for removing chips from circuit boards so the chips could be reused. “That was back in 2012; there was no chip shortage,” said Dale Johnson, CEO of Greene Lyon Group. 

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Oregon debates consumer electronics right-to-repair bill

Published: February 15, 2023

Solid state drive

Oregon’s SB 542 would require OEMs to make the same information they give to authorized repair shops available to independent shops and consumers. | JIPEN/Shutterstock

Public testimony on a proposed consumer electronics right-to-repair bill in Oregon spilled over into two days, with 19 speaking in favor and eight speaking against. 

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A heavy lift: Partners clear rural e-scrap logistics hurdle

Published: June 14, 2023


A plane takes off from Nome, Alaska with an e-scrap shipment on board as ballast. | Courtesy of Alaska Air Cargo

With a tiny population, no road access and over 500 air miles to the nearest medium-sized city, Nome, Alaska faces a multitude of e-scrap collection barriers. But a tribal nonprofit and an airline have overcome the conundrum with a weighty solution.
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