A story about Glencore adapting to changing markets was of interest to readers last month. | Courtesy of Glencore
Insights from smelters and news from ITAD service provider attracted ample numbers of clicks last month.
The list below shows our top stories published in February in terms of unique page views.
1 | Glencore exec: E-scrap integral to low-carbon future
Glencore has been recovering copper and precious metals from e-scrap since the 1980s. But multiple trends are now forcing the world’s largest mining and metals company to adapt to changing markets.
2 | ITAD company sees quick growth, $4M in four months
Refreshed Tech closed 2022 with $4 million in sales after just four months of operation and is poised to triple its sales and double its staff in 2023.
3 | ITAD firm publishes data, market insights
Expectations for higher IT spending, a persistent gap in mobile asset tracking and continuing lack of awareness about certifications were among the surprising takeaways in Cascade Asset Management’s latest survey of customers.
4 | Sims feels pressure from lower device prices, cost inflation
Sims Lifecycle Services resold considerably more IT devices in the latter half of 2022, but softer demand resulted in lower selling prices and inflation took its toll on profits.
5 | Smelters provide insight into e-scrap use
Glencore, Umicore and Boliden recently released financial and operational details from their smelting operations in 2022.