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Tag Archives: EPR/Stewardship

One leader’s push to grow the ‘legacy’ of Oregon bottle bill

Published: February 3, 2023


Jules Bailey, CEO of the Oregon Beverage Recycling Cooperative (OBRC), spent his first day as head of the company processing Green Bags. | Courtesy of OBRC

As the new CEO of the Oregon Beverage Recycling Cooperative, Jules Bailey is focused on growth, convenience and supporting the community. 

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How Maine is involving stakeholders in EPR rollout

Published: January 6, 2023

The Maine capitol building in Augusta.

Maine’s EPR draft rules will go to the Board of Environmental Protection to begin the formal rulemaking process in December 2023. | Yurii Prohonnyi/Shutterstock

Maine’s governor signed an extended producer responsibility law for packaging in 2021, and the state is now seeking stakeholder feedback to guide the rulemaking process. 

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CalRecycle director ‘excited and ready’ for policy challenge

Published: December 2, 2022

Recycling bins against a red brick wall.

CalRecycle staff are busy developing implementation plans for the state’s EPR program and other new recycling laws. | Lowe Llaguno/Shutterstock

After California’s legislature passed a host of recycling and reuse-related bills, the state’s Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery is shifting into high gear to turn the mandates into reality. 

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Colorado PRO revises EPR recycling scenarios

Published: March 12, 2024

Flags of the U.S. and Colorado

Circular Action Alliance revised its draft needs assessment to alter its modeling of recycling scenarios. | Rarrarorro/Shutterstock

At the request of the state, Circular Action Alliance revised its draft needs assessment in Colorado in response to over 100 public and industry comments. Continue Reading

GreenDot ends North American operations, RLG shifts focus

Published: February 6, 2024

Close up of a meeting with microphone and papers on the desk.

Two producer responsibility organizations have changed their focuses recently. | ESB Professional/Shutterstock

Producer responsibility organization GreenDot has ceased operating in North America, citing a strategic alignment to focus on more mature regulatory markets. Continue Reading

Colorado shares needs assessment, modeling draft

Published: January 29, 2024

Colorado state capitol building at sunset.

Colorado’s Producer Responsibility Organization Circular Action Alliance released a needs assessment that lays out accepted recyclable lists, models the effects of several improvement scenarios and evaluates access to services and costs. | Joseph Sohm/Shutterstock

In another step toward implementation of extended producer responsibility for packaging, Colorado regulators published a report laying out which materials would be covered and exploring different options for how the program could operate. Continue Reading

California picks EPR producer group and releases draft rules

Published: January 8, 2024


The California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery published drafts of its covered material list categories for the extended producer responsibility for packaging program, among other announcements. | Joseph Sohm/Shutterstock

California is moving ahead on implementation of its extended producer responsibility law. The state agency recently released a draft of the regulations and selected a producer responsibility organization.  Continue Reading

Panel digs into years of state e-scrap program change

Published: October 9, 2023


From left to right: Steve Noble, Jason Linnell, Walter Alcorn, Melanie Weitzel and Chris Kaasmann. | Big Wave Productions/E-Scrap & E-Reuse Conference

The number of states with e-scrap recycling programs has not changed much in the past decade, but there have been some notable updates and overhauls in recent years. Industry experts dissected those changes in a recent workshop.  Continue Reading

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