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Tag Archives: EPR/Stewardship

INC-4 starts text negotiations, stalls on production

Published: May 7, 2024


The week of negotiations had moments of both hope and frustration for delegates, who are racing against the clock to create a final treaty. | Photo courtesy of IISD/ENB Kiara Worth

The fourth meeting to draft a global plastic pollution treaty ended just after 3 a.m. on April 30 with general agreement on the need for global rules and mandates on product design, composition, performance and extended producer responsibility. 

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New York again aiming for packaging EPR

Published: May 3, 2024

New York recycling

The Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act AB 5322 in the Assembly Codes committee and its companion bill, SB 4246, is in the Senate finance committee. | robert-paul-van-beet/Shutterstock

New York legislators are once again pushing to become the fifth state in the U.S. to implement extended producer responsibility for packaging.  

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Circular Action Alliance submits EPR plan in Oregon

Published: April 9, 2024


An initial extended producer responsibility for packaging plan in Oregon covers the years 2025 through 2027. | Yanqiang Dai/Shutterstock

The shape of Oregon’s extended producer responsibility for packaging plan is becoming clearer after the Circular Action Alliance released its initial program plan to the state.  Continue Reading

Producers still lacking urgency on data deadlines

Published: March 29, 2024


The first packaging data reporting deadlines for extended producer responsibility programs will hit in 2025, but gathering the needed data will take time and help from up and down the value chain. | A9-STUDIO/Shutterstock

In about a year, companies will be required to start reporting various data under four different extended producer responsibility laws as well as some recycled content and labeling laws. Many are still not ready, industry stakeholders cautioned. 

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In Our Opinion: Coalitions: The EPR Differentiator

Published: March 1, 2024


A strong coalition of stakeholders is vital for successful EPR legislation. | OlegKovalevichh/Shutterstock

Policy Now readers are, no doubt, familiar with the growing wave of interest in extended producer responsibility (EPR). A decade ago, it was remarkable to see even one or two states introduce EPR policies in the same legislative cycle. Already this year, some form of EPR for packaging and paper products was introduced in nine states. At the same time, EPR legislation is being considered and enacted in some more established product categories, like electronics, paint and mattresses, as well as in some new areas like batteries (EV and small and medium format), household hazardous waste, vehicle tires, pharmaceuticals, solar panels, wind turbines and marine flares.

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Packaging deposits, packaging EPR get federal attention

Published: March 19, 2024


The Senate Committee of Environment & Public Works recently held a hearing on extended producer responsibility for consumer packaging, while Alpek Polyester and BlueTriton Brands also joined a lobbying effort to advocate for a national bottle bill. | j.chizhe/Shutterstock

Several different policy strategies to increase recycling have been getting federal attention as of late, including extended producer responsibility and container deposits.   Continue Reading

Colorado regulators suggest mid-range EPR scenario

Published: March 19, 2024


On March 12, the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment recommended a medium-level recycling scenario to the Joint Budget Committee. | RozenskiP/Shutterstock

Colorado state regulators suggested choosing a mid-level recycling scenario for its extended producer responsibility program for packaging, but a final decision is yet to come.  Continue Reading

Ten EPR bills introduced in 2024 so far

Published: March 1, 2024

NY state capitol building.

Nine states are looking to enact extended producer responsibility packaging, and Hawai’i chose to put a “pre-EPR” bill into play. | Paul-Brady-Photography/Shutterstock

Extended producer responsibility for paper and packaging is once again a hot topic in statehouses across the country. 

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SB 54 advisory board elects StopWaste director chair

Published: February 2, 2024

California flag

The California Department of Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery facilitated several meetings centered on SB 54 in early February. | ksanawo/Shutterstock

The first few days of February saw several big moments for California’s extended producer responsibility law for packaging, with a first advisory board meeting and a well-attended public question-and-answer session. 

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Study: EPR programs do strengthen recycling

Published: December 1, 2023

Yellow recycle container with chasing arrows symbol.

Researchers at the Institute for the Advancement of Food and Nutrition Sciences found that recycling rates were higher in countries with EPR systems in place. | Roman-Zaiets/Shutterstock

A team of researchers at Iowa State University reviewed extended producer responsibility laws in several countries and concluded that the programs overall strengthened recycling. 

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