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Closed Loop’s push to link MRFs, organics and more

Published: January 9, 2023

Inside Balcones Resources' Austin, Texas MRF.

Balcones Resources’ MRF in Austin, Texas is one of a dozen recycling facilities now owned by newly launched company Circular Services. | Jared Paben / Resource Recycling, Inc.

Last year’s launch of Circular Services created a new family of varied recycling companies, yet they’re all focused on a circular economy and are fueled with hundreds of millions of dollars in fresh capital. 

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Experts tout the benefits of recycled glass pozzolans

Published: January 2, 2023

Hallett’s Point development in Queens, N.Y.

The Hallett’s Point development in Queens, N.Y. is home to the first high-rise ever built with concrete containing ground glass pozzolan. | Courtesy of Urban Mining Industries

Making new glass bottles is generally considered the highest and best use for cullet, but recycling glass into a cement substitute is actually better from a greenhouse gas perspective, speakers on a recent webinar said.

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MRF updates from Iowa, Canada and Guantanamo Bay

Published: January 2, 2023

Machinex equipment in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Machinex brought a single-stream processing system and various other processing, baling and shredding equipment on-line at the U.S. Naval Station in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. | Courtesy of Machinex

New MRF equipment is coming to both Guantanamo Bay and Iowa. Meanwhile, commodity pricing for Ontario in November showed a mixed bag.
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Our top recycling stories from 2022

Published: December 20, 2022

Waste Management truck refueling.

News of Waste Management’s investment in a recycled board company was of interest to readers in 2022. | Courtesy of WM

Examining the trends that pushed and pulled on the industry over the past year can help provide insight into the 12 months yet to come.

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What to do to access new EPA grant funding

Published: December 12, 2022

Folders showing grants, projects and funding titles.

Entities can submit an optional intent to apply for the grants by Dec. 15, and the application deadline is Jan. 16. The EPA anticipates dispersing funds in summer or fall of 2023. | Olivier Le Moal/Shutterstock

This story has been updated.

With deadlines for two large EPA recycling grants fast approaching, one expert suggests double-checking project goals and making sure all the pre-application work is done.

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Senators press industry on plastic waste impacts

Published: December 16, 2022

Senate hearing room.

The Dec. 15 hearing by the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works brought four panelists together to answer questions from legislators. | Katherine Welles/Shutterstock

During a two-hour hearing, U.S. senators questioned industry experts about chemicals in plastics, marine plastic pollution and extended producer responsibility. 

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