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Behind Strategic’s bankruptcy, interest rates and market shifts

Published: December 8, 2023

Glass bottles collected for recycling.

Strategic Materials cited rising feedstock prices and lower volumes, shifts in packaging away from glass, and other factors in its Chapter 11 filing. | Courtesy of the Glass Packaging Institute

A major U.S. downstream outlet for recovered glass from MRFs and bottle deposit programs filed for bankruptcy this month, citing $432 million in debts and interest. Strategic Materials says it plans to reorganize and continue operating normally without interruption. Continue Reading

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Demand shifts continue to roil U.S. mills

Published: December 12, 2023

Baled OCC for recycling.

Rising OCC prices led to a more expensive quarter for major fiber end users in the U.S. | Vitaliy Kyrychuk/Shutterstock

The third quarter of 2023 brought continued economic challenges that led another paper company to shut down a recycled fiber mill, joining a handful that did so early this year. But there were signs of positive fiber market changes coming. Continue Reading

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Group updates on UBC-sorting robot’s success

Published: December 12, 2023


A robot funded by the aluminum industry successfully picked an average of 1,565 UBCs per day, an analysis found. | EWY Media/Shutterstock

A recycling robot installed at a California MRF has recovered an average of 1,565 UBCs per day since it was installed this summer, according to a metal can industry group. 

The Can Manufacturers Institute (CMI), which helped finance the installation of the EverestLabs robot at Caglia Environmental’s MRF, is now looking to deploy another unit at another MRF. 

“CMI plans to use the learnings from this successful initiative to support additional UBC capture equipment at MRFs, further enhancing the recycling industry’s efficiency,” according to a case study that was published today (Dec. 12). “CMI and EverestLabs are now looking to expand their partnership and are exploring placing a robotic system in another MRF.”

The robot installed at Caglia’s MRF in Fresno, Calif. received financing assistance from CMI members Ardagh Metal Packaging and Crown Holdings. Those companies, which manufacture aluminum beverage cans, financed a two-year equipment lease for Caglia, which has agreed to share 50% of the revenue generated from the UBCs collected by the leased robot. 

The system was deployed on the MRF’s last chance line, where its picking priority is UBCs, followed by other containers.

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Haulers continue to see recycling revenue drops

Published: November 13, 2023

GFL waste hauling truck.

North America’s five biggest waste and recycling haulers recently reported their financial numbers. | Philip Lange/Shutterstock

Recovered fiber prices have steadily increased throughout 2023, but for North America’s top five haulers, the recycling business still isn’t what it used to be. Continue Reading

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Our top stories from October 2023

Published: November 6, 2023


The exterior of one of International Paper’s facilities. | Jonathan Weiss/Shutterstock

A farewell message from the longtime editor of Resource Recycling made the list of highly read stories last month.
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Panelists shed light on solar panel recycling

Published: November 6, 2023


Bob Nicholson (left) and AJ Orben (middle) speak at the 2023 E-Scrap and E-Reuse Conference in New Orleans, with Jared Paben (right) moderating the session. | Big Wave Productions/E-Scrap News

Now is the time for interested parties to enter the solar panel recycling sector, but experts say there are plenty of challenges to navigate as well. Continue Reading

Brands upped recycled and virgin resin usage

Published: November 6, 2023

Row of Pepsi bottles on a supermarket shelf.

A report from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation reveals that major brand owners and retailers increased their use of post-consumer resin (PCR) from 10.0% in 2021 to 11.7% in 2022. One of the largest, PepsiCo, increased from 6.3% PCR to 7.3%. | pixinoo/Shutterstock

The fifth report from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation found that a few big-name brands’ increased use of virgin plastic has been offsetting the overall reduction achieved by the rest of the reporting companies.  Continue Reading

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Report: Paper cup acceptance low despite mill capacity

Published: November 6, 2023

Colorful paper coffee cups on a gray background.

Closed Loop Partners suggested that more MRFs explore collecting paper cups. | NatalyaBond/Shutterstock

A report from Closed Loop Partners found that only about 11% of U.S. communities accept paper cups in their recycling operations, despite paper mills’ more widespread acceptance of cups in bales.  Continue Reading

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Details on Maine EPR program start to emerge

Published: November 2, 2023

Maine state house in Augusta.

With the broad intent of its EPR program now settled, regulators and stakeholders in Maine are hashing out the details of reimbursements, covered material lists, and much more. | Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

Maine is moving ahead with its packaging EPR rulemaking process, with a key December deadline for submission to the state’s Board of Environmental Protection approaching fast.  Continue Reading

Environmental groups launch plastic laws database

Published: October 30, 2023

A person using a computer with hand on mouse and keyboard.

The groups behind the database have already compiled a dataset that includes about 1,000 plastic reduction laws in the U.S. | DC Studio/Shutterstock

In order to tamp down on plastic pollution, several environmental groups have worked together to launch a global database for tracking plastic-related laws. It even covers the upcoming United Nations plastics agreement. Continue Reading

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