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Author Archives: Editorial Staff

Wastecon takeaways: COVID impacts and compostable concerns

Published: February 2, 2021

Compost, recycling and garbage carts set outside of the home on the curb for residential garbage and recycling pickup.

Local program leaders discussed their challenges during an online industry gathering last week. | Michael Vi/Shutterstock

Last week, the Solid Waste Association of North America held its annual Wastecon event online. Not surprisingly, much of the talk during virtual sessions focused on the pandemic. But other topics got their due as well.

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Our top stories from January 2021

Published: February 2, 2021

Robotic gripper from AMP Robotics at work on a recycling line.

Details on advancements in robotic sortation for recycling facilities garnered attention last month. | Courtesy of AMP Robotics.

Articles covering extended producer responsibility policy, recycling and trucking markets, and technology installations drew our readers’ interest last month.

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Our top stories from December 2020

Published: January 19, 2021

Chinese flag with the Yangtze River in background.

Readers were drawn to news that the Chinese government confirmed a full ban on scrap imports would be coming into effect Jan. 1, 2021. | Wangkun Jia/Shutterstock

Articles about a range of topics drew attention last month, including export restrictions, market prices and our detailed analysis of PPP loan recipients in the industry.

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Our top stories from 2020

Published: January 4, 2021

Sorted plastics at a recycling facility.

Readers last year were drawn to news that Brightmark is seeking over 1,000,000 tons of difficult-to-recycle plastics for chemical recycling. | hiv360/Shutterstock

Economic uncertainty and operational changes related to the COVID-19 pandemic affected virtually every business sector in 2020, and the recycling industry certainly felt the impacts. But materials recovery professionals were also navigating ongoing volatility in commodities markets, heightened awareness of plastics management problems, and much more.

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Our top stories from November 2020

Published: December 1, 2020

Ship docked at the Phy My port in Vietnam.

News that Vietnam will no longer allow imports of U.S. mixed paper drew attention last month. | Domicile Media/Shutterstock

Articles about fiber markets, the U.S. recycling rate, waste reduction and brand owner commitments drew our readers’ clicks last month.

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Our top stories from October 2020

Published: November 3, 2020

Baled OCC for recycling.

Last month, readers were drawn to a story about shifting markets in Ontario. | joi54/Shutterstock

Articles about government and private-sector groups proposing recycling fixes, along with market analysis, drew readers’ attention last month.

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Our top stories from September 2020

Published: October 6, 2020

Recycling bin full of cardboard boxes.

News readers last month were drawn to the latest insights on fiber tonnages in the recycling stream. | Cari Rubin Photography/Shutterstock

An update on OCC supply and demand was our most-viewed online story last month. Wider market analysis, recycling legislation from California and China import news also collected the clicks.
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