Boise State University researchers received an NPE2024 Circular Plastics Challenge award for designing a PET bottle that does not flatten during the recycling process. The team found their design could allow as much as 15% more PET to be captured from bottles.

California Giant Berry released its sustainability report, noting that it is transitioning to washaway labels, providing How2Recycle recycling instructions and working towards using 100% recycled plastic materials.

CARBIOS and Zhink Group entered official discussions for a long-term partnership to build PET bio-recycling industrial capacity in China. 

Petco announced in its 2023 ESG Report that it is starting a recycling program for LDPE. 

TRIA America, a size-reduction equipment manufacturer, appointed Kirk J. Winstead as president. He was formerly CEO of Piovan Group North America, of IPEG and of Rapid Granulator.