The following are facilities that have achieved, renewed or otherwise regained R2 certification recently:

America Asset of Clermont, Florida, C & C Lifestyle of Sacramento, California; eAsset Solutions of Falls Church, Virginia; eAsset Solutions of Falls Church, Virginia; EX-IT Technologies of Naples, Florida; GNR Recycling India of Tal. Haveli, India; GNR Recycling India of Pune, India; ITRenew Singapore, a wholly owned subsidiary of Iron Mountain Asset Lifecycle Management of Singapore; NexTouch of Miami, Florida; and Northeast Electronics & Recycling DBA NEER of Salem, New Hampshire.

After completing successful audits, the organizations listed below achieved one or more of these NAID AAA certifications: physical destruction of hard drives, physical destruction of solid state devices, over-writing or degaussing of physical hard drives, over-writing of solid state devices. 

A-1 Freeman Records Management DBA Paper Pig Shredding of Wichita Falls, Texas; ASDD a division of The Centers for Habilitation of Tempe, Arizona; All Points Mobile Shredding of Stuart, Florida; Assured Document Destruction of Tucson, Arizona; Corrigan Record Storage of Novi, Michigan; File Shred of Glastonbury, Connecticut; Integrated Recycling Technologies of Saint Cloud, Minnesota; North Coast Services of Concord, New Hampshire; Shred Aware of Eureka, California; Shred Works of San Leandro, California; West Michigan Document Shredding of Jenison, Michigan; and Zeno Office Solutions of Midland, Texas.