Plastics Recycling Update

July 18, 2012

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In This Issue:

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1 | Europe collects over half of PET

The PET container collection rate in Europe hit a record high of 51 percent, according to the latest data from European Plastics Recyclers (EuPR) and Petcore.


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2 | Book your Resource Recycling Conference room now and save

Between pre-conference workshops, early-morning sessions, networking lunches and evening receptions, the upcoming Resource Recycling Conference will be a stellar meeting in Austin. All of these exciting events will be held exclusively at the Hilton Austin. To get the most out of the conference, we recommend you stay at the host hotel, where hundreds of recycling professionals will be an open door away. Staying at the conference host hotel ensures lower conference registration rates for current and future events.

Book your room at the Hilton Austin today! As a bonus, all attendees staying at the Hilton Austin, including those with already booked rooms, will be entered in a drawing to win one of two $500 cash or free conference registration prizes!

Conference attendees will receive a special room rate of $169 plus taxes for single/double occupancy. Hotel reservations can be made directly with the Hilton Austin designated conference webpage. Hotel reservations must be made by August 1st to receive the discounted rate and to be automatically entered in the prize contest.

For more information on the fast-approaching Resource Recycling Conference — August 28-29 in Austin, Texas — visit, or click on the banner below.

The conference is provided in association with the National Recycling Coalition (NRC), the Recycling Organizations of North America (RONA), Keep America Beautiful (KAB) and the Product Stewardship Institute (PSI).

RRC 2012 Banner

3 | Study points to energy potential of MRF residue

The American Chemistry Council and the University of Texas at Austin have released a new study on the potential benefits of generating energy from non-recyclable waste, including plastics.


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4 | PetroChem Wire: rPET trade muted by prime imports

Recycled PET prices fell an average of five cents per pound in June, and in the first-half of July, ample supply of prime material kept trade in recycled PET muted.


5 | Europe harmonizes scrap plastic standards

The European plastics recycling industry has agreed on a new pan-Europe certification and audit system for recovered plastics.


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6 | NewsBits

Packaging news, plus updates from California and Canada in this week's NewsBits.


7 | Upcoming conferences & webinars

Click here for a complete directory of upcoming conferences and webinars!

8 | Jobs Available & Sought

Plant Maintenance Manager, Waste Management (Auburn, Washington).
Details are available here.

Manager, Operations Improvement II, Waste Management (Kirkland, Washington).
Details are available here.

Purchasing Account Executive, BoRec America, Inc. (Flexible Location).
Details are available here.

Jobs Sought
Database of job seekers available here.

If you would like to submit a job available or job sought listing, send an email to newsletter editor Henry Leineweber at [email protected].

Resource Recycling | PO Box 42270 | Portland OR 97242-0270 | ph: 503-233-1305 | fax: 503-233-1356