Our analysis of hauler earnings reports were of interest to readers last month. | Photick/Shutterstock
Articles touching on bottle bills, Waste Management and more drew our readers’ clicks in February.
The list below shows our top stories published in February in terms of unique page views.
1 | National bottle bill likely to land in Congress soon
West Coast lawmakers plan to introduce a national container deposit bill that one advocate says has a better chance of passing than past proposals because of wide “industry engagement.”
2 | The details behind WM’s Continuus deal
Within three years, Waste Management could be sending 150,000 tons of mixed paper and plastic each year to a factory that will recycle the otherwise-landfill-bound material into a high-quality roofing board.
3 | How much do bottle bills erode MRF revenues?
Though container deposit systems typically help lift recovery rates for covered materials, the programs also usually reduce tonnages of high-quality PET and aluminum going to sorting facilities. A new study helps to quantify those potential impacts.
4 | Reducing recycling service gaps with mini-MRFs
A $35 million investment from PepsiCo Beverages North America will help Closed Loop Partners reach more people living in recycling deserts.
5 | Recycling markets elevate earnings for WM and others
Surging commodity prices drove markedly higher recycling revenues for the largest haulers in North America last year. Those companies say they’ll put a lot of money into upgrading their MRFs in 2022.