Plastics Recycling Update

News from ExxonMobil, US Plastics Pact and more

Industry Announcements

ExxonMobil launched its Enable 1617 PE resin, which can allow 30% or more PCR content in stretch film applications while maintaining quality and processability. 

PureCycle, MiniFibers and Beverly Knits completed a successful textile trial run using PCR. MiniFibers used PureCycle resin to create fiber packages, which then went to Beverly Knits to produce textiles for markets including home goods, automotive applications, industrial solutions and apparel products. 

The U.S. Plastics Pact announced Jonathan Quinn as its new CEO, effective immediately. Emily Tipaldo, who has served as the U.S. Pact’s first executive director, will remain as a strategic advisor to assist with the transition.


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