Plastics Recycling Update

Recycling measurement effort kicks off in Texas

Texas / Robcartorres, ShutterstockThe Texas Commission on Environmental Quality is seeking participants for a recycling survey that will quantify the amount of plastics recycling happening in the Lone Star State.

The research will also measure the economic impacts of materials recovery in the state and aims to identify ways to increase recycling, funding and infrastructure.

In 2015, the Texas Recycling Data Initiative was released, citing an overall recycling rate of 18.9 percent for the state. That report also established the methodology that will be used to conduct this survey. And while there have been smaller, regional studies regarding financial and job information related to recycling, this one promises to be more comprehensive, according to organizers.

The survey launches August 15. Processors, end users and private recycling companies are asked to participate. Businesses will be asked about end-of-life management of a range of materials, including plastics, organics, electronics and even household hazardous waste.

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