E-Scrap News

Our top stories from January 2023

Noveon’s rare earth magnet recycling was of interest to readers last month. | Courtesy of Noveon

Our readers were drawn to stories about pricing for both used equipment and commodities last month, along with coverage of metals-recovery companies.

The list below shows our top stories published in January in terms of unique page views.

1 | Computer resellers expect sluggish markets in 2023
Prices for refurbished PCs have fallen in the past year alongside ongoing uncertainty in the economy, but ITAD players said the market appears to have leveled off – for now.

2 | Copper prices continue to rise, approaching June highs
The price of copper has continued to rise and is nearing a high not seen since June 2022.

3 | Smelting giant buys remainder of e-scrap recycler
Korea Zinc now owns 100% of Igneo Holdings after purchasing a majority stake in July.

4 | Rare earth magnet recycling ramps up in Texas
When the founders of Noveon decided to tackle rare earth magnet recycling, they started at the beginning of the product’s life cycle instead of the end.

5 | In Our Opinion: Battery-handling tips for facilities
Two battery recycling experts offer tips on how facilities can prevent lithium-ion fires, explain what is happening during a thermal runaway event and instruct staff on the best way to head off catastrophic fires.

Gannon & Scott
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