E-Scrap News

Certification Scorecard: March 18, 2021

The following are facilities that have achieved, renewed or otherwise regained R2 certification over the past week:

3C Environmental Solutions of Carrollton, Texas; ADL Process of Toronto; Aircell Enterprise (dba Aircell Wireless) of Houston; Cellpoint Corporation of Calexico, Calif.; Cellpoint Corporation of Mexicali, Mexico; Cellular Gallery of Margate, Fla.; Chicago Phones Wholesale of Orland Park, Ill.; Dynamic Lifecycle Innovations TN of Nashville, Tenn.; eRecycler of Dallas; ERI New Jersey of Lincoln Park. N.J.; FODCONN Environmental Technology Guiyang of Guizhou, China; GDI Technology/Secure Destruct Services Corporation of Miami; Guizhou Ledao Technology of Guizhou, China; M&B Exchange (dba R3 Recycling) of San Marcos, Texas; Tom Seabrook Company (dba TSC, Inc.) of Auburn, Ga.; Volta Inc. of Shizuoka, Japan; and Wisetek Solutions of Dublin Hill, County Cork, Ireland. 

After completing successful audits, the organizations listed below achieved one or more of these NAID AAA certifications: physical destruction of hard drives, physical destruction of solid state devices, over-writing or degaussing of physical hard drives, over-writing of solid state devices.

Apto Solutions of Atlanta; Inconfidence Pty P/L of North Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; Lifespan International of Irving, Texas; Phoenix Solutions of Saint Louis; POS Remarketing Group (POSRG) of Wauconda, Ill.; Techno Rescue (dba e-End) of Frederick, Md.; and Tong-In Safe Warehouse of Paju City, Gyeonggido, South Korea.

Visit our archive to view previous editions of the scorecard.


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