News about an Arizona bill mandating solar panel recycling captured clicks in March. | Heinz Trebuth/Shutterstock
Coronavirus concerns, solar panel recycling and California CRT markets drew our readers’ attention last month.
The list below shows our top stories published in March in terms of unique page views.
1 | One state moves toward mandating solar panel recycling
Legislation in Arizona would establish recycling requirements for end-of-life solar panels, requiring manufacturers to create a recycling program or face a per-panel fee at point-of-sale.
2 | E-scrap sector reacts to coronavirus pandemic
The global escalation of COVID-19 is causing supplier and customer disruption for e-scrap processors, while on a wider scale it constrains global shipping, dents stock prices and threatens an economic recession.
3 | A look at where California’s CRT glass is going
Over the past three years, fewer of California’s CRTs are going directly to hazardous waste landfills and more are flowing through intermediate glass processors, state data shows. But that may not mean more glass is ultimately being recycled.
4 | Device resellers see ‘unprecedented demand’
Processors across the U.S. say the coronavirus and resulting work-from-home orders have energized the market for refurbished electronics. In some cases, they can’t keep up with the needs of customers.
5 | ITAD firm’s strategy: ‘Smaller facilities but more of them’
The Canadian arm of ITAD operator EPC is expanding with a facility in the Edmonton area.